About Company

~ About The Company ~

Integrated, Full Service
Ship Chartering

With rich past industry experience and reputed global clientele. We have our presence in Mumbai India . We are extensively involved in spot and time charter business on dry chartering and deals with ship sale and purchase.
We are actively serving major owners, operators, charterers and industrial players in the movement of dry bulk commodities. Our focus chiefly on the movement of iron ores, coal, fertilizers, slag, limestone, aggregates, steel, grain , clinker , petcoke and other minor bulk commodities.
As specialist dry cargo chartering our service encompasses all charter types including voyage, trip charter, period and spot/forward contracts of affreightment on all major vessel types ranging from handysize upto capesize.
Our network of contacts and relationships built enable us to span all corners of the globe questing synergies for Owners and Charterers entrusting their business to us. A distinguished local and international clientele has evolved embolding us to enhance our scope of operations over time.


We bring to the table deep seated industry wide relationships which are leveraged for creating opportunities and optimizing results for our clients.

Integrity and Honesty

The company is committed to conducting business with integrity and honesty in all of its dealings with principals, peers, and other industry partners.

Personalized Approach

Each of our clients get personalized attention by the dedicated team members, with solutions being customized to their requirements instead of adopting a cookie cutter approach.


The company is committed to maintaining the confidentiality of all information provided to it by clients and industry partners.

Fairness and Impartiality

The company is committed to being fair and impartial in its dealings with all clients and industry partners, and will not engage in any discriminatory practices.

Compliance with Laws and Regulations

The company is committed to complying with all applicable laws, regulations, and industry standards in all of its operations.

Transparency and Accountability

The company is committed to being transparent and wholly accountable in all of its business dealings and maintaining accurate and verifiable records.